The scientific potential of the personality of Russian university students: from the content of the phenomenon to the educational model

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Galina V. Makotrova, Elena N. Krolevetskaya, Elena I. Eroshenkova, Andrey P. Peresypkin, Tatyana V. Zhdanova


Higher education in Russia focuses on the formation and development of students ' activity and purposefulness in learning about the world around them, motivation for creativity and innovation, and a number of competencies for research activities. Within the framework of the anthropological approach as a methodological basis for research, the authors for the first time identified such features as manifestations of non-cognitive experience, sensory-visual images concerning the Universe, wildlife, society and man, the focus on cognition of oneself, other people, and the world, which determine, along with cognitive experience, its position as a subject of relations in cognition. The concept of "scientific potential of students" reflects a time-stretched process, and the arguments given in the article illustrate the use of the categories "opportunity", "resource", "reserve" when describing the scientific potential of students.

Among the methods that reveal the state of the problem of developing the scientific potential of students, we used a ascertaining, preliminary experiment, observation, expert assessment, computer testing; methods of mathematical statistics: correlation analysis (analysis of the total number of correlations according to K. Pearson, calculation of the average statistical weight of one connection).

The assessment of the state of development of the scientific potential of students of Russian universities showed the presence of a high percentage of students with a reproductive level of its development (39%), the predominance of students with a creative and heuristic level of development of the scientific potential of the individual in the humanities in comparison with students of natural and mathematical specialties, revealed significant deficits in technological readiness for research.

For the development of an educational model for the development of the scientific potential of students, the ideas of integrity, systemogenesis, cultural creativity, dialogicality, and creativity are highlighted as the leading ones. Their implementation ensures the creation of the core of the educational model: the identification of trends, patterns, principles, pedagogical conditions for the development of the scientific potential of university students.

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