Risk Management for Fire Disaster Prevention in DKI Jakarta Province

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Faris Shafrullah, Sedarmayanti, Solahuddin Ismail, Bahrullah Akbar, Khasan Effendy, Sampara Lukman, Layla Kurniawati, Leni Indrawati, Fieghie Fadila, Putri Ayu Pratiwi, Asral, Kusnan


The aspect of optimization through training provided to the community has a positive and significant response from the community. The community is very interested and enthusiastic about participating in the training program to prevent fire disasters. The efficiency aspect was responded positively significantly by the local community. People know that fire disasters occur very quickly, so that quick anticipation is needed, so that fires do not spread. The effectiveness aspect was responded positively significantly by the community, where the training program provided to the community was easy to understand, so that the community was ready to deal with fire disasters. The role of the community is absolutely necessary for the prevention of fire disasters in Jakarta. People are increasingly aware of the dangers of fire, so they take precautions by providing information, and reminding fellow citizens to always be careful and care about the potential for fires to occur. This is very important to do in order to reduce the risk or impact that will befall the community in the event of a fire disaster. This fire prevention program was successfully implemented through increasing aspects of optimization, efficiency and effectiveness by involving the participation of local communities in fire disaster prevention, and has been proven to reduce the frequency of fire disasters, and reduce the risk of loss for the people of Jakarta.   

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