The Effect of Giving Mixed Juice of Papaya (Carica papaya) and Honey (Lyopercisum Esculentum) on Intensity of Stomach Pain in Patients with Gastritis

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Dali, Sitti Rachmi Misbah, Asminarsih Z.P, Harlyanti Muthma’innah Mashar, Nurmiaty, Agussalim


This study analyzed the Effect of Giving Papaya Fruit Mixed Juice (Carica papaya) and Honey (Lyopercisum Esculentum) on the Intensity of Stomach Pain in Gastritis Sufferers in Posyandu Elderly Talia Village Working Area of Abeli Health Center Kendari City in 2019. The method used is quasi experiment t with pre and post test design with control group. The population in the study was the entire gastritis sufferer with a sample of 60 people (30 cases and 30 people control). Sampling is done by simple random sampling. The data was analyzed using the paired T-Test to analyze differences in pain intensity, and the T-Test pooled test to analyze the effect of giving papaya fruit mixture juice (Carica papaya) and honey (lycopercisum esculentum) decreased pain intensity in people with gastritis. The results of this study, found that there is a meaningful influence on the juice of a mixture of papaya fruit (Carica papaya) and honey (lycopercisum esculentum).

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