Evaluation of FieldWork Practice Programs Using Topsis Methods

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Agus Dudung R, Sugeng Priyanto, Siti Sahara, Ibnu Salman


FieldWork Practice is part of the Vocational High School education program in preparing students to be able to work in a particular field. FieldWork Practice links the gap between theory and practice between education in class and real industrial life thus presenting a more valuable learning experience in improving academic ability and forming a view of social life in the world of work. But based on the observation of the implementation of fieldwork practices has a problem, which is 75% of students carrying out FieldWork Practices not in accordance with the competence of their expertise. Therefore, this evaluation research is carried out to find out how the process of implementing the Field Work Practices program in adjusting students' competencies to suit the needs of the industry. The study used Topsis analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the criteria of learners' competence, infrastructure facilities, availability of partners, and suitability of industrial assessment systems.  with the School being an obstacle in the implementation of FieldWork Practices. The four criteria are related to each other. As a result, the implementation of FieldWork Practices does not proceed according to the objectives of the 'Link and Match' policy.

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