Measurement Model Design of Socio-Economic Status, Knowledge of The Environment, and Gratitude on Enviromental Awareness for The Residents of West Jakarta

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R. Sihadi Darmo Wihardjo, Rudy Sumiharsono, Claudia Agatha Adika Putri, Astronia Lauda Caesa Adika Putri


This study was a descriptive and verification study that aimed to explore and analyze the variables of socioeconomic status (X1), knowledge about the environment (X2), and gratitude (Y) for caring for the environment (Z). This study used a survey method by using 60 questionnaire items given to respondents. Based on the results of data analysis carried out with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, it is known that (1) The questionnaire used in this study is valid and reliable based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the item loading factor value of the 60 items above 0.50, the value of Construct Reliability (CR) ≥ 0.70, and the value of  Variance Extracted (VE) ≥ 0.50. (2), after modification of the model, the structural model of all variables in this study was fit based on the Goodness of Fit (GoF) criteria. That is, the instrument developed is empirically proven to be used to measure the variables of socioeconomic status (X1), knowledge about the environment (X2), gratitude (Y) and concern for the environment (Z) residents of West Jakarta.

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