Obedience without Pressure: Expanding the Psychological Concept of Santri

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Rudianto, Asmadi Alsa, Mahli Zainuddin Tago, Fitriah M. Suud


punishment dan threat is one of the most effective methods to exercise discipline. Many findings showed that the education model with punishment and threat is ineffective for behavioral change. This study aims to rectify incorrect beliefs that have been implemented by educators including educators and managers in Islamic boarding schools. Data collection was conducted through an in-depth interview to explore the psychological condition of santri to worship and to observe santri's daily activities; documentation to find out pesantren profile, and focus group discussion to discuss the research findings. The informants included santri, teachers, caregivers, pesantren leaders and would thrive as required. Data analysis used Nvivo 12 plus. Mind mapping was used to describe the research flow. Cross tab analysis was used to determine correlations among variables. Query group was used to display data that would be analyzed and cluster analysis was used to explore the correlation between node and case. This study showed santri obedience in worship was infuenced by personality, exemplary, and responsibility.

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