Dimensions Of Indonesian National Security: An Overview From The Perspective Of The Post-Cold War Era Of Security Concepts
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After the cold war era, there was a change in the concept of national security prevailing in the international world. In the cold war era, the concept of national security was only seen in the context of dealing with threats originating from outside the country in the form of the military and emphasizing on state security. However, after the cold war era, the concept of national security developed to become broader, so that the purpose of national security policy was not only in the context of state security. More than that, national security includes the consolidation of democracy, the achievement of social justice, economic development, environmental security, reducing the level of crime, violence and political instability as well as stability related to the development of existing forces in the country, including human security. This research discusses changes in the dimensions of national security in Indonesia, especially after the cold war era. The research method in making this article was carried out with a qualitative literature review method by relying on literature studies and interviews. The results of the research show that the dimensions of national security that apply in many countries change from time to time in accordance with the development of security concepts that apply throughout the world, including in Indonesia.
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