University Students’ ,Hope, Optimism, Resilience, and Efficacy (PsyCap)nduring Covid 19 Pandemic and Its Relation to Student’s Performance Mediated by Motivation

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I Made Putrawan, Marshal Defensor, Silverius Y. Soeharso, Lisa Dwi Ningtyas


      It has been more than a year, covid19 pandemic has influenced our life behavior including performance reflected by students’ learning outcomes. In this situation, students have to adapt themselves to a new normal life, shifting from traditional learning styles to digital learning which is too hard for those who live in the marginal area. Therefore, the objective of this research was to try to find information on whether students still have high psychological capital and how it affects their motivation and performance as well. A causal survey was used by selecting 216 University students and there were three instruments developed which have been validated. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM). The research results revealed that students' PsyCap and each of PsyCap dimensions, such as hope, optimism, resilience, and efficacy directly and significantly affected student’s performance and motivation. Students’ resilience has the highest path-coefficient on performance and students’ hope, significantly has the highest path-coefficient on student’s motivation. Moreover, student’s learning motivation, even during the covid19 pandemic, was significant as a good mediator between students' PsyCap and citizenship behavior which reflects student’s performance. These findings could be interpreted that, even its teaching and learning carried out fully by online methods, however, students still have remarkable hope, optimism, resilience, and efficacy significantly. Therefore, these findings have an important policy implication by developing a specific program that maintains students’ PsyCap. Improving and maintaining students’ PsyCap is not only a must, but it is a kind of responsibility hold by the university system including the university president as a campus leader. Especially in how to manage lecturers/professors for not only focus on students' cognitive aspects but their psychological conditions could not be neglected as well during the unpredictable covid19 pandemic.

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