Analysis of the Effect of Emotional Variables on the Practice of Physical Activity in Teacher Education Trainees- An Explanatory Model

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Manuel Ortega-Caballero , José Manuel Alonso-Vargas , Eduardo Melguizo-Ibáñez and Iván Ortega-Caballero


Today, physical inactivity is a global problem. Regular physical activity has been shown to be beneficial for individuals. There are gender differences in physical activity levels during the adolescent period. If the physical profile is not adequately addressed, sedentary lifestyles can be created. The aims of the study are (a) to fit a theoretical explanatory model of the variables resilience and negative emotional states on the practice of physical activity and (b) to study the differences in the effects according to the sex of the participants. A cross-sectional and exploratory study is presented. The sample consisted of 717 university students (23.21±6.85). The gender distribution is homogeneous, with 60.8% female and 39.2% male. The following instruments were used for data collection: Self-prepared questionnaire, Trait Meta Mood Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21. The data show that there are gender differences in the effect of resilience and negative emotional states on physical activity and emotional intelligence. In conclusion, it highlights the need to take gender differences into account in order to reduce levels of physical inactivity. Gender differences should also be taken into account in order to adequately manage anxiety, stress, depression and resilience.

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