Role of Laparoscopic Surgery in Bariatric Surgery

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Saif Majed A Alzabni , Raed Walif Maseud Alrashdi , Saidan Walif Maseud Alrashdi , Khalid Atqa D Alreshidi , AbdulRahman Fadhi Alrashidi
Ahmed Abdulkarim M Alshammari , Mohammed Musnad Alrashdi , Mohammed Sulaiman Mohammed Alajlan , Abdulrhman Olyan Alsobhi


Obesity has become more common in recent years, and it is currently one of the biggest global public health issues. Since there is increasing agreement that bariatric surgery is now the most successful and long-lasting treatment for clinically severe obesity, the number of bariatric surgery procedures performed has grown significantly in recent years. Since bariatric surgery improves quality of life, reduces obesity-related comorbidities and mortality, and achieves sustained weight loss, it is widely acknowledged as a very successful treatment for obesity. All things considered, bariatric surgery is linked to a 42% decrease in cardiovascular risk and a 30% decrease in all-cause mortality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of laparoscopic surgery for treating obesity and for bariatric procedures.

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