Binge-watching and Academic Achievement Among University Students: A Case Study

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Yassine Ben Abou , Dr. Abdelghanie Ennam


With the advancement of subscription video-on-demand services (SVOD) such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video over the past few years, people’s consumption of television has radically changed. Now, they can choose where, when, and how to watch their favorite TV series or program. There are no more controls by content, time, or place. As the way viewers consume television has changed, their viewing habits also have changed leading them to consume an entire series or a show in a single sitting or what researchers refer to as binge-watching. Since college students, in the high binge-watching category, spend a lot of time binge-viewing their favorite series rather than sticking to their academic obligations, they may get depressed and fail in their studies. The purpose of this article was to investigate the relationship between binge-watching and academic achievement. To understand students’ behavior regarding their watching habits, a questionnaire was administered to 103 students from a liberal arts university in the Northeast of the United States. Data was collected through an online survey (Google Forms) and was analyzed using the statistical analysis software, SPSS. By understanding students’ behaviors, stakeholders can apply policies and take measures that could help improve academic success and engagement among university students.  Results showed that students had different perceptions of binge-watching and different motivations (i.e., escaping from reality). They also showed that students do not perceive binge-watching as affecting their academic performance.

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