The Influence Of Resilience, Self Compassion On Psychological Well-Being In Women And Mothers

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Hally Weliangan


Women and mothers play a dual role in managing both their families and their jobs. These tasks can be performed well by women and mothers, which is possible when they have good psychological well-being. This includes being able to control the family environment, being independent, having positive relationships within the family, desiring personal growth, and accepting oneself. Various literature shows that psychological well-being is influenced by resilience and self-compassion. The purpose of this study is to examine the simultaneous effects of resilience and self-compassion on psychological well-being in women and mothers. Psychological well-being is measured based on the dimensions of psychological well-being by Ryff. Resilience is measured based on the dimensions proposed by Wagnild. Self-compassion is measured based on the dimensions of self-compassion proposed by Neff. The results of the study show that the hypothesis is accepted, indicating that there is a significant influence of resilience and self-compassion simultaneously on psychological well-being in women and mothers. The conclusion of this research is that the hypothesis is accepted that resilience and self-compassion simultaneously have a significant effect on the psychological well-being of women and mothers. The results of this research can be used as a consideration in carrying out interventions to improve psychological well-being in women and mothers with resilience and self-compassion training, considering that women and mothers are pillars in the family to shape children's character.

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