Recognition of the Meranti Islands Community in Riau Province towards the Development of Traditional Sports

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Dedi Nofrizal, Hari Setijono, Heny Setyawati, Nasuka


This study aims to determine the recognition of the people of the Meranti Islands towards the cultural  values  of  tual  sagu  and golek sagu  traditional  sports.  To achieve  the  research objectives used, a qualitative descriptive approach is. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, documentation techniques, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities on the object of research and key informants who understand traditional sports in the Meranti archipelago, Riau, Indonesia. Data processing was carried out using the qualitative description. From the results of the research conducted, it can be explained that traditional sports, tual sagu and golek sagu are sports that have local wisdom values for the people of the Meranti islands, culture, and traditions passed down from generation to generation the people on the coast of the Meranti archipelago and traditional sports tual sagu and golek sagu are the main strengths of the community in showing their existence among the community. Others in the Riau Archipelago, Indonesia.

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