Job Satisfaction among Members of the Training Staff at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC), KSA

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Prof. Anas Al-Tayyib Al-Hussein Rabeh, Muhammad Ahmed Ali Aiashi Majrashi, Dr. Amna Yaseen Musa Ahmad


The present study aimed to identify job satisfaction among members of the training staff at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) in KSA, and to detect differences that can be attributed to the variables of years of experience and gender. The descriptive approach was adopted in the study to investigate job satisfaction among a sample of (206) respondents. A job satisfaction scale adapted by Majrashi (2022) was used to collect the data, and after collecting the data and they were processed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results revealed a level of job satisfaction above the average, and the order of dimensions came as follows: the nature of work came in the forefront, followed by the relationship with colleagues and management in the second place, then facilities and aids of training, and finally came the payroll systems. Also, there were no differences in job satisfaction for members of the training staff at TVTC according to the variables ‘years of experience’ and ‘gender’. The study was concluded with suggestions for further research in this area.

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