Symbolic Violence and Woman’s Resistance Reflected in “Legally Blonde” Novel by Amanda Brown

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M. Amir P, Sukmawati, Fakhriawan Fathu Rahman3 Citra Andini


This study aims to analyze the issue of symbolic violence and woman’s resistance reflected in the Legally Blonde novel by Amanda Brown. Symbolic violence is represented in the form of domination in a subtle way to manipulate the victim. It can be a gift, act of service, or appreciation, and it could be body shaming and hate speech with refined meaning (euphemism). This novel shows a phenomenon that happened in society. This study is related to Pierre Bourdieu's theory called symbolic violence. The method of this study is descriptive and qualitative. The writer analyzed those data by using the theory of symbolic violence by Pierre Bourdieu. The result of the study shows that the forms of symbolic violence that are symbolic violence of parents to children (Brooke’s mother to her) and (Elle’s mother to her), symbolic violence of boyfriend to his girlfriend (Warner to Elle), symbolic violence of dean to a student (Dean Haus to Elle), symbolic violence between students (Sarah and Claire to Elle), symbolic violence of professor to a student (Professor Pfisak to Elle). And woman’s resistance (Elle breaks the stigma about the images of beautiful women as foolish in academics). The writer concluded that kinds of symbolic violence in Legally Blonde novel are symbolic violence in the family, relationships, and academic. In addition, this novel wanted to show that a beautiful woman is perfect. They are kind, intelligent, and independent.

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