Bedside Handover using Patient Family Centered Care on Patient Safety and Patient Satisfaction: A Systematic Review

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Ismuntania, Kartika, Nursalam, Fakhryan Rakhman, Nurlela Mufida, Idawati, Maulina Iriyanti, Zulfikar, Muzaffar, Siti Damayanti, Fitri Apriani, Alfi Syahri


Background: Bedside handover is an important patient care transfer process and must be carried out by nurses. This reporting process aims to convey, confirm, and clarify clinical information and the current condition of the patient by actively involving the patient and family. During the bedside handover, important information about the patient's status file must be communicated by fellow nursing staff as well as with the patient and family. This is thought to be able to improve patient safety and patient satisfaction.

Aim: to analyze the relationship between bedside handover using patient family-centered care on patient safety and patient satisfaction.

Methods: The systematic review comes from databases from 2015 to 2020. This systematic review used single keywords, namely "bedside handover", "patient-family centered care", "patient safety", and “patient satisfaction”. The results of the final selection left 25 articles.

Results: Based on the analysis of the importance of applying bedside handover based on patient-family-centered care which was identified as being able to reduce patient safety incidents and increase patient satisfaction, the researchers were interested in researching the development of bedside handover models based on patient-family-centered care to improve the quality of patient safety and patient satisfaction.

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