Children Legal Protection in National Laws & International Agreements

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Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim M0sselhi


The subject of children legal protection in national laws and international agreements has attracted the attention of all countries and a lot of international and regional organizations since the child recruitment phenomenon is one of the serious problems facing countries and the international community as a whole, especially with the widespread spread of terrorist organizations in all world countries, especially in our Arab region. There are major motives behind the spread of child recruitment phenomenon, the most important of which are the economic motives and insecurity in countries. The seriousness of this phenomenon lies in the numerous effects it has on the recruited child and on countries.

The thesis discussed the stages of childhood and its protection under the Islamic Shariaa (law) and national laws. The first chapter dealt with the protection of children within the framework of the principles of international humanitarian law and international conventions and the applications of child recruitment in the Arab countries.

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