Sustainable Construction Of Rural Housing In Guadua: A Step-By-Step Learning For Rural Communities

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Haidee Yulady Jaramillo , July Andrea Gómez Camperos , Sir Alexci Suárez Castrillón


Population growth has generated the search for fast, economical and environmental housing alternatives that guarantee the wellbeing of the population.  In recent years, the use of plant-based materials in construction has increased, from ancestral practices to the technical aspects based on the Colombian Seismic Resistant Construction Regulation NSR-10. This article explains the sustainable construction systems of guadua housing for rural communities in Colombia, seeking to take advantage of the available resources, the natural properties of guadua and the low costs of the material, with the generation of a pedagogical manual for the use of this resource and the learning of rural communities so that they can make their own construction of guadua housing. The guadua construction pedagogical manual contains specifications, preparation, tools, type of cuts, type of joints, material protection, construction systems and process recommendations. Guadua construction for rural communities in Colombia is a viable alternative from an economic, environmental and social point of view, as it is a low-cost resource available in the country, and generates the possibility of solving housing problems for people affected by natural disasters, conflicts, among others.

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