Challenges in the Management of Graduate Education in the Knowledge Society

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Ana Elvira Castañeda Cantillo, José Arles Gómez Arévalo, Ingrid Nathalia Meneses Runza, Ana María Piñeros Ricardo, Luz Adriana Guerrero Pérez


This research aimed to analyze the challenges faced by graduate education management in the knowledge society about curriculum management, research processes and training itself; for this purpose, a qualitative approach was adopted from the hermeneutic paradigm, and the case study was defined as the methodological input. Open-ended questionnaires were applied to 10 teachers and 10 graduate students from private universities in Bogota. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that universities are called to empower endogenous curricular models that should emerge from the particular needs of Latin American regions and nations, without resorting to replicating imported models. Furthermore, concerning quality research, it was found that it should be measured not only by publication rankings and citation metrics but also by the impact and incidence in the transformative processes of education and finally, to favor student retention, it is necessary to review state and institutional policies of economic support, given that it continues to be a determining factor in desertion.

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