Role Of Neuroscience In Understanding Employees’ Behaviour In ‘New Normal’

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Dr. P V. Raveendra, Dr Y M Satish


Background: Understanding employees’ behaviour in ‘New normal’ is a big challenge. Human resource managers can take the help of neuroscience in understanding employees’ behaviour so that employee’s expectations can be easily met.


  • To identify the challenges for HR managers in ‘new normal’.

  • To identify the role of neuroscience in understanding employees’ behaviour in facing these challenges.

Methods:  Adequate number of reviews were done to identify the challenges for ‘new normal’ and to identify the role of neuroscience in understanding employees’ behaviour to adopt these challenges in this review paper.

Results: The identified challenges in ‘new normal’ are employee engagement, leadership, change management, innovation & creativity, technology management and crisis management. Neuroscience plays a significant role in understanding employees’ behaviour and meeting the above challenges.

 Conclusion: Understanding employees’ behaviour is crucial in the successful implementation of any strategy. Neuroscience helps in understanding the employees’ behaviour, which will pave the way for successful adoption of ‘new normal’ challenges.


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