Use Of Inside and Outside of The Circle Learning Model on Student’s Narrative Writing Expertise (Study Effectiveness in Elementary School)
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Purpose of the study: This research aims a analyze of effectiveness the learning models Inside and Outside Circle on narrative writing proficiency of the students.
Methodology: This type of research is a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental methods and uses a one-group pretest-posttest with control group methods. The sample used was 80 respondent of Private Primary Schools in South Jakarta, Indonesia who were selected using technique a probability sample.
Main Findings: The results of this study prove that the use of the Learning model Inside and Outside the Circle obtained significant value so that it is effectively used in teaching narrative writing in elementary schools, especially in learning to write expository narratives.
Applications of this study: This research contributes theoretically that the model Inside Outside Circle can improve narrative writing skills of elementary school students.
Novelty/Originality of this study: This model provides an opportunity for students to express their ideas, opinions, and feelings to the theme through written language. Surely this activity will make students accustomed to expressing the creative ideas they have in writing. This research can also be used as input for teachers in developing creative and fun writing learning.
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