La Gestión De Recursos Financieros Y La Calidad Del Servicio Educativo.

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Urbano Jesús Díaz Pérez, Alejandro Alfredo Quispe Mayuri, Alejandro, Romelia Rosa Quispe Cerazo, Leónidas Alejandro Maldonado Bendezú, José Damián Quispe Almeyda


The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between the management of financial resources and the quality of the educational service in the public institutions of the secondary level of the city of Chincha, in the year 2021. The study is of a descriptive correlational type and the design does not experimental. The study population was made up of 30 directors of the public secondary educational institutions of the city of Chincha, the rapid non-probabilistic was obtained for convenience, the technique used was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire, in addition, the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for testing hypotheses. The results of the research reflect a Pearson correlation coefficient of r=0.647, which indicates a high connection between the planning of raising own resources is significantly related to the quality of the educational service in public educational institutions of the secondary level of the city of Chincha, in the year 2021.


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