The Sıgnıfıcance Of Modellıng Sofware In Relevance To Archıtecture Academıcs

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Gauri Sandbhor


How to most effectively utilize emerging parametric design technology so as so to get the better output from the design process.  Students getting exposure to the new technology may get an opportunity bring something different from the design briefs. This paper will introduce substituting applications of tools for design development such as 3d modeling for students, which can potentially support to analyze and find solutions. Parametric teaching methodology is getting adapted all over the world, then why not India? The paper consists of three bodies of work that inform this study. First, a survey taken from students restricted to the tools and the methodology uses for designing. Secondly, a detailed technical background study will be done for the tools. Thirdly, by choosing random academic design assignment, the execution will be done within restrictions of tools that are kangaroo, ladybug, karamba and heliotrope. The results will be judged on the basis of accuracy, flexibility, optimization, and analysis of the project.  To state, how using parametric tools can help students to come up with the better output in modeling.

The goal of using a new approach to design problem is to enable the border group of students to take full advantage of the benefits offered by parametric design tools, implement precise design processes that lead to better designs.

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