The Impacts of the Covıd 19 Pandemıc on the Lıves of “Vulnerable” People ın the Mekong Delta

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Lai Quoc Khanh , Nguyen Thi Bao Anh


Since its emergence, the Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected Vietnam and other countries worldwide. It has caused certain economic consequences as well as the people's health. In the context of the “new normal” in the post-Covid period, the areas with a high agricultural economic density like the Mekong Delta face many difficulties in the “recovery” period. In addition, the region in particular and the whole country, in general, face new risks and challenges, especially in ensuring human rights, first and foremost vulnerable groups. Under the scope of the article, the author will analyze the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic on the lives of “vulnerable” people in the Mekong Delta, thereby proposing solutions to improve this problem.

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