Investigating The Mediating Role Of Perceived Culture, Role Ambiguity, And Workload On Workplace Stress With Moderating Role Of Education In A Financial Services Organization
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Purpose: The researcher wants to drive the impact of factors like work culture, environment, and policies on workplace stress in financial services. Here researcher measures the direct and indirect effects of factors influences. In this study, workload, environment culture, and policies are considered mediating variables, parallel mediating is applied to understand workplace stress.
Design/Methodology/Approach: An instrument was designed under five eminent researchers' guidance. An appropriate seven-point scale has been applied with the descriptive cross-sectional research design. 1057 valid responses are considered. Multiple regression and path analyses were performed with smart PLS –3.
Findings: In developing a structural model on occupational stress, reliability, convergent, and discriminant validity were established. Here researcher confirmed the significant direct impact of factors like culture, role ambiguity, workload, leadership, and policies on stress. Researchers also ensure the significant mediating effect of culture, role ambiguity, and workload on the workplace stress in financial services.
Theoretical and Practical Implication: This is an extraordinary effort of the researcher to develop a structural model for workplace stress. This study will help understand the concept of interrelation amongst various factors directly and indirectly related to workplace stress. This research is useful for all financial services organizations like banks, insurance, mutual fund, and equity services providers to understand the intra-relationships amongst the various stress factors. This research is useful for HR Managers to formulate the strategies related to various policies, create a culture, and design a job description and allocation of workload for employees and middle-level managers.
Limitation: The major limitation of this paper is that the study is conducted concerning Workplace Stress in financial services in major cities of the Gujarat region only.