Occupational alienation among the employees of the directorates of general education in the province of Baghdad

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Bashir Tohme Amin, Dr. Youssef Yaqoub Shehadeh


This study aims to identify the occupational alienation of the employees of the directorates of public education in the province of Baghdad, for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research, the researcher built the scale of occupational alienation, which consisted of three main areas and (37) paragraphs in the final form, and the research sample amounted to (400) A male and female employee from the directorates of public education in Baghdad governorate, and for the purpose of data processing, a set of appropriate statistical methods (Spss) were used, namely (T-test) for two independent curses, (T-test) for one sample, Pearson correlation coefficient, alpha equation, Cronbach.

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