Dimensions Of Quality And Trust In Home Care Patient Satisfaction In The Covid-19 Pandemic Situation In The Work Area Of The Paccerakkang Community Health Center, Makassar City, Indonesia
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Home Care is a form of health service to the community that is implemented in Makassar City. Home Care is intended for all circles of society through a direct call program to 112. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the dimensions of service quality on patient satisfaction, the influence of trust on patient satisfaction and the most dominant influence of the dimensions of quality and trust on patient satisfaction. This research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. The total sample is 68 people with total sampling technique. The data analysis used Univariate Analysis, Bivariate Analysis and Multivariate Analysis. This research was conducted at the Paccerakkang Health Center, Makassar City. The results showed that there was no influence between the dimensions of service quality on patient satisfaction, Reliability (sig = 0.447), Responsiveness (sig = 0.629), Assurance (sig = 0.985), Empathy (sig = 0.400). There is an influence between trust and patient satisfaction (sig = 0.004). Trust variable (OR 46.217) and Empathy (OR 10.210) are the most dominant variables on patient satisfaction. The results of this study are expected to be able to make the Community Health Center to strive to continue to improve the quality of services because Home Care patients prioritize quality to be satisfied with services both during the Covid-19 Pandemic and post-pandemic later. In addition, the Community Health Center also need to improve integrity, honesty and kindness in serving Home Care patients so that they can grow their trust in Community Health Center as health service providers.