The Insurance Industry As Part Of The Economic Course

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Dr. SC. Besnik Zekaj , Prof. Ass. Aziz Rexhepi


Abstract this paper Analyzes the activity of insurance companies in Kosovo, which is part of the financial market, the insurance industry is a very important segment of economic development. In the past, this industry has functioned in the form of insurance entities that were directly controlled by the Yugoslav state, which is also their only owner. The insurance market, after the war, is constantly enriched with new insurance companies, with different capital: domestic and foreign. We can say that Kosovo has a consolidated insurance market and can provide security products to citizens and their businesses. The insurance industry is an important sector and itself contains a range of binding and voluntary products, various software, tariffs, solvency surveillance, damages, financial aspects, consumer protection, etc. Insurance companies contribute to the countrys economic and financial development, enabling citizens, enterprises, and the state itself, making business safer, investment savings, and financial stability. There can be said that the insurance industry plays a positive role in the economic development and growth of The country, including the opening of new jobs, which affect the welfare of citizens. The task of state institutions in the future is the integration of local securing mechanisms with international mechanisms.

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