To Evaluate The Clinical Profile Of Acute Appendicitis

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Ashwani Kumar & Rajiv Sharma


Aim: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the Clinical Profile of Acute Appendicitis.
Methods: This study is conducted in the Department of General Surgery as a prospective observational research. This research includes 80 patients of acute appendicitis. Cases were classified based on their age, gender, symptoms, signs, ultrasound results, complications, length of hospital stay, and prognosis. A complete blood count as well as other regular blood tests was performed. The imaging modality employed for diagnosis was ultrasonography.
Results: In the current research, there were 63.75 percent male patients and 36.25 percent female patients out of 80 patients. 55 percent of cases were between the ages of 25 and 35. The age group over 55 years old had the fewest instances. The rate was 2.5 percent. All of the patients complained of abdominal discomfort and nausea. Fever was present in 81.25 percent of the patients. The majority of instances exhibited pain over Burney's point. The occurrence rate was one hundred percent. The iliopsoas sign was present in 7.5 percent of the patients. Leukocytosis was found in 93.75 percent of the patients. Appendicular wall thickening was seen in all instances. The incidence was 100%, with the lowest number of patients having peri appendiceal fluid collection at 11.25 percent. Appendicular abscess occurred in 6.25 percent of patients. Mucocele was seen in 3.75 percent of patients. Surgical appendectomy was done in 93.75 percent of patients.
Conclusion: The treatment of preference is an emergency appendectomy, however conservative care may also be used. Modern radiographic imaging advances have increased diagnostic accuracy; nonetheless, the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is mostly clinical, with laboratory tests and USG also aiding in decision making.

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