Categorization of Problems and Solutions in Technoprenuership Course: A Literature Study

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Idi Jangcik, Jalius Jama, Fahmi Rizal, Desy Rahmayati, Sasmita


Various studies have been conducted to discuss various problems in learning technoprenuership courses and at the same time find solutions to these problems. This study aims to categorize the problems in technoprenuership courses and the solutions that have been offered to these problems. This research was conducted using the literature study method. The review was carried out on 25 articles which were the result of screening a number of articles from IEE explore, Wiley Online Library, Sciencedirect and Google Scholar and had met the predetermined criteria. The results showed that there were five aspects of the problem in learning entrepreneurship courses, namely curriculum, human resources, student motivation, infrastructure, and regulation. While the results of the study also show four categories of solutions offered, namely learning models, learning strategies, learning methods, and learning techniques. This proves that educators have used various ways as solutions to achieve learning goals in all limitations, from starting to apply pedagogic models, strategies, methods and techniques that have the potential to optimize interactions between teachers and students, as well as to add new learning experiences.

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