Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment Options of Covid-19: Evidence and Experience

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Deepankar Rath, Gurudutta Pattnaik, Pallishree Bhukta, LadiAlik Kumar, Santosh K. Ranajit, Abdul Sayeed Khan, Biswakanth Kar


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) outbreak that started in China in December 2019, spread rapidly over the world and causes a major worldwide tragedy. Much like the coronavirus that causes SARS, SARS-CoV-2 infection causes clusters of severe respiratory disease. The most common form of transmission is droplet from human-to-human transmission, contaminated hands and surfaces with incubation durations varying from two to fourteen days. Till now there is no effective medication available in the prevention and treatment of covid-19 except isolation and vaccine. However, clinicians repurpose certain medication on the basis of sign and symptoms of infections. The objective of this article is to explore the trials that have been conducted for the development of established or new antiviral drugs, repurpose drugs, vaccine, and drugs under clinical trial for the prevention and management of COVID-19.

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