Model Of Student Character Development Through Local Wisdom In Junior High School Gorontalo City

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Husin Ali , Hamka Naping , Ansar Arifin , Mahmud Tang


Character building for students in schools cannot be separated from the role of the community and parents. Every student has a different character because they grow up in a different environment. Local wisdom contained in customs is used as a pillar of character education.

The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the objective conditions of character building for students at the Gorontalo City Junior High School. (2) To find a conceptual model of character building students through local wisdom at the Gorontalo City Junior High School. (3) To find the implementation of the model of character building students through local wisdom at the Gorontalo City Junior High Schools, (4) To determine the effectiveness of the students' character building students through the local wisdom model at the Gorontalo City Junior High School.

The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method which includes the following activities: (1) preliminary studies on the initial conditions of character education, (2) character education development through local wisdom, (3) expert validation and revision, (4) model implementation, (5) the model effectiveness test, and (6) the model is recommended.

The results of development research indicate: (1) the initial conditions for character building are generally not in accordance with the SNP. This is because the teacher does not understand the character building procedure. (2) Development of character building through local wisdom is carried out through steps; conduct a needs analysis, determine the elements that will be developed, compile a character-building model through local wisdom, validate model development with education experts, education practitioners and peers, and compile the final model. (3) The implication of the character building through the local wisdom model is carried out through testing and testing the application of the character-building model through local wisdom. The entire activity is carried out in stages; planning, organizing, implementing, assessing, and results. (4) The development of a character building through the local wisdom model has an impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of character building. The effectiveness test was carried out through a post-test.

The findings of this study indicate that the character building through local wisdom model that has been developed is recommended to related parties to improve the character building of students in an educational environment.

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