Organizational Culture Of Regional Hospitals In Indonesia (Case Study At Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital)
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Efforts to overcome the problem of quality hospital services within it run an organizational culture into a good work culture. This study aims to analyze the organizational culture of Kabanjahe Hospital and its relation to hospital performance. The method which is used in this study is qualitative, where researchers use forms of data collection with FGD. The study is conducted in Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital. The results of this study indicate that organizational culture in Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital is seen from the aspect of: involving employees in decision making, making efficient contributions, being able to respond to change, already describing a strong organizational culture. But in the aspect of motivation it still describes a weak organizational culture. The change or strengthening of organizational culture in Kabanjahe General Hospital is the result of learning as an organization through building shared vision and team learning. It is recommended to the Karo District Government through the Department of Health that in filling the management position of the Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital it is carried out through a fit and propper test process. The management of Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital needs to formulate a policy in an effort to increase employee motivation and increase the efficiency of the Regional General Hospital. Employees of Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital should try to increase motivation in work as an effort to improve hospital performance.