Increase in the Prevalence of Mental Health Problems Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on the Work Performance of Private Hospital Supervisors in India

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Sneha Lata Das, Dr. B.C.M Patnaik, Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, Dr.S.C.Das


Objectives: The prevalence of mental health problems has sharply increased worldwide, owing to the unprecedented events caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the fear of death and infections. This study examined the impact of mental stress on the work-related performance of hospital supervisors.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. For this study, an online survey was conducted between November 2021 and December 2021, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, located in the eastern region of India. A structured self-administered questionnaire was sent to 200 respondents, and responses were collected after taking their prior verbal consent, with an assurance that their responses would be kept confidential. Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences in India. Data were collected on variables such as demographics, work performance, and workplace stress levels. Data analysis and interpretation was done using various statistical tests including the Chi-square test and correlation coefficient. Item analysis, extraction of factors, internal consistency, and cross validation was done to establish the correlation among workplace stress and performance of supervisors.

Results: The findings showed an inversely proportional relationship between mental stress and workplace performance. Intensive work for long hours, an increase in the hospitalization of COVID-19 patients, inadequate sleep, risk of contamination, and risk of infection were the major causes of physical and mental exhaustion, leading to mental illness among hospital staff.

Conclusion: Supervisors’ efficiency and work-related performance play vital role in quality improvement in private healthcare services in India. The results suggest that private hospital policymakers should include supervisor feedback in their training and development modules to address mental health issues. Several studies have been conducted on healthcare workers’ mental

health; however, very few have been conducted on that of supervisors. This study will be helpful for hospital owners and administrators to improve the quality of their hospitals.

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