Introduction Of Digitalization In The Process Of Preservation Of The Historical Heritage Of Kazakh Culture
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The article deals with the issue of introducing digital technologies in the process of preserving the national heritage of the northern region of Kazakhstan. The problem of the modern world is the lack of high-quality knowledge of the history of their people, the low level of digitalization in museum business, the backlog in historical informatics and the weak level of dissemination of information about Kazakh culture in the world. Similar works, but only with the use of multimedia, are already known both around the world and in Kazakhstan.
In the design version for large-scale objects, a drone equipped with a digital camera is used. For small museum exhibits, a 3D scanner is used. After that, 3D rendering of digital models is carried out and their three-dimensional printout on a 3D printer in natural or scaled size. The created database of digitized cultural and historical objects can become not only useful, but also financially beneficial for everyone interested in studying the history of Kazakhstan.
The project will increase the effectiveness of scientific developments and ensure integration into the global scientific space. Thanks to WEB-technologies, everyone will be able to get access to cultural and historical objects of Kazakhstan. This may contribute to the formation of a more complete picture of the historical process or event being studied and give a heuristic impetus to the generation of a new research hypothesis, and, possibly, correct the conclusions of some already completed studies. The project is fully consistent with the state program "Digital Kazakhstan".