How The Role of Organizational Culture and Human Resources Competency on The Effectiveness of Services Surveillance in the Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority During Covid19 Pandemic?

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Heri Sudarmaji


This study aims to solve and anticipate the ineffectiveness problem of air navigation services surveillance in the Indonesia Civil Aviation Authority through quantitative methods, associative/relationship problem formulation, and the approach of a double paradigm with two dependent variables suspected as the most dominant factor influencing the variable human resources competency and organizational culture.

Research data is obtained from 108 (one hundred and eight) respondents consisting of structural and staff officers drawn at random (stratified random sampling) based on sample size in the Kretjie Table a significance level of 5% from the population of 147 (one hundred and forty- seven) personnel of Indonesia Civil Aviation Authority through the questionnaire which the instruments are developed by the dimensions and indicators. 

Hypothesis testing is done by using statistical product-moment correlation, double correlation, single regression, and double regression with results as follows: (1) There is a positive and significant impact of human resources competency on the effectiveness of air navigation surveillance, (2) There is a positive and significant impact of organizational culture on the effectiveness of air navigation surveillance, and (3)          There is a positive and significant impact of human resources competency and organizational culture on the effectiveness of air navigation surveillance.

Based on the result mentioned above, it is concluded that the effectiveness of air navigation surveillance in the Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority can be improved through the improvement of human resources competency and organizational culture.

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