Digital Transformation In The Covid Era- A Bibliometric Thematic Analysis

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Sanu F, Anjali B, Dr. Biju T, Justin Dores


Digital transformation is the buzzword of the new age and modernity is in the wings of the same. Covid 19, the pandemic has affected the normalities of daily lives gravely and the economy is reviving by exploring the digital possibilities in the guise of contactless transactions. A bibliometric thematic analysis of a dataset, containing the bibliometric details of  257 documents extracted from Web of Science within PRISMA framework, explains ‘the how’ of this digital transformation effected during this pandemic. Researchers’ tools such as Biblioshiny R- Package, Quiqqa and Maxqda etc. are used to trace the patterns and evolution of various themes in the scientific production. The study presents a detailed review of various themes developed during the COVID ERA and also gives qualitative content analysis of the emerging topics in digital transformation. The methodology adapted in the article for bibliometric thematic analysis takes the systematic review protocol to a different dimension of presenting the conceptual structure of the topic purely based on bibliometric data. The categorisation of themes and sub themes in topic ‘Digital Transformation in the Covid Era’is made and emerging themes are conceptually defined. Hence the article paves way for the prospective researchers to identify the suitable gaps in the  existing body of knowledge of digital transformation in the covid era, and to fill the gap through exploratory studies. The article also encourages the yourng researchers to take up bibliometric thematic analysis to proceed with the systematic review for any research.

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