Testing The Mediating Role Of Green Psychological Empowerment Of Employees In Enhancing The Relationship Between Green Human Resource Management Practices And Organizational Sustainability
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The study aimed to test the mediating role of green psychological empowerment for employees in strengthening the relationship between green human resource management practices ) green selection and Recruitment, green participation and empowerment, green training, green performance management, green rewards and compensation) and organizational sustainability with its economic, social and environmental dimensions. The study was based on a questionnaire as a tool for obtaining data from ( 476 ) faculty members working at some private universities and colleges in Euphrates region in Iraq . It used a number of statistical methods to test its hypotheses, and concluded that green human resource management practices can play an important role in enhancing organizational sustainability, especially the green participation practices of faculty members . It also concluded that green psychological empowerment , in particular competence and self – determination , can mediate the relationship between these practices and organizational sustainability.