The Effect Of Educational Stations With Competitive Games In Learning The Art Of Skilled Performance Of Scoring In Futsal
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The The study aimed to:
- Designing educational stations with competitive games in learning the art of skilled performance of scoring in futsal.
- Recognizing the impact of educational stations with competitive games on learning the art of skilled performance of scoring in futsal.
The researchers used the experimental method given its suitability for the nature of the research. The researchers adopted this method by designing two equal experimental and control groups on second-grade intermediate students at Tariq An-Najah Private School for Boys in Salah al-Din Governorate / Tikrit, for the academic year 2021-2022, the number of which is (24) students, who were chosen deliberately. Dividing them into two equal groups by random method representing (60%) of the research community, where the researchers prepared and designed competitive exercises according to educational stations. The researchers adopted performance evaluation tests for the selected skills. After the trial was completed, the results were processed with the Statistical package System (SPPS).
The researchers reached the following most important conclusions:
- The educational stations with competitive games have an effective and positive impact on learning the art of skilled performance of scoring in futsal.
- The suitability of the competitive exercises used for the ages of the research sample contributed to their application correctly and appropriately. This greatly helped in the process of learning the art of skilled performance of scoring in futsal.
- The students of the experimental group who were taught by the method of educational stations with competitive games have outperformed the students of the control group who were taught by the traditional method followed in the educational curriculum.