Design Systems shifts and their expressive implications for interior design

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Shayma Sami Ahmed


Airports are the latest means of transport to reflect the progress of human civilization and reflect the distinctive identity of each country. In addition to expressing the identity of the time of its creators and its specificity as representing the country's international entrance and its distinctive cultural confrontation over time Interior design is an important part of the design of the airport building. It contributes to its integration and success. It is an integral part that coincides with the entire design process. It is not a separate part or an addition to the architectural work. The tasks assigned to the interior design are revealed at the level of the design transformation mechanisms, which perform a useful functional qualifications. "What design transformation mechanisms reflect the formatting of expressive data?"
The objective of the research included the detection of shifts of systems in the design of general internal spaces and the diagnosis of their intellectual mediums and expressive associations in the light of contemporary trends. For the purpose of the research, the researcher conducted a study consisting of four chapters that dealt with the problem, relevance and purpose of the research, as well as its limits and the definition of terminology contained therein. Design transformations and the second: structural dimensions and their expressive implications for interior design. The researcher then came up with a set of indicators that included the objective data and the starting points in a clear and accurate manner. Chapter III covered: Research methodology and procedures if the descriptive approach is adopted in the description and analysis of research models The chapter also included the research community, its intentional sample and its tools, most notably the Analysis Axes Form, The researcher designed an analysis form that included a set of axes to cover the analysis mechanisms of the models. Chapter IV finally included the findings of the research through the analysis process and discussed them. and then a set of conclusions and recommendations, one of the most important findings of the research is:-
1- The shift in the design Systems of the airport is linked to the realization of the (virtual and deep) idea It has several objectives, including those related to the desire for renewal, reorganization or development commensurate with the guaranteed meaning and is not built out of thin air, but extends a range of strategies, intellectual skills and successive ideological trends, Transformation is not a case, it is an act and its expression is reflected in the self-desire and will of the investigator herself through thought, machinery, style, form and direction towards achieving their goals.
2- The transformation of synthesis requires a new language that combines homogeneity and heterogeneity to achieve a balance with a view to removing contexts affected by previous regimes to establish new systems that revisit the organization of elements and relationships that manifest their implications when achieving a balanced and forward-looking design format that dismantles everything that is familiar with rebuilding design elements as achieving performance and expressive ends.
3- Transformation in the intellectual value of design patterns is achieved within multiple possibilities to be present in a variety of configurations, each of which is an effective feature that achieves an interconnected transformation depending on the factors surrounding it that establish the design decision of the patterns:-
a. " Combining new ideas and expressive insights with previous traditional forms with modern and innovative materials is a hallmark of achieving a positive transformation that aims to cause surprise in the recipient. This is what is generated by a sense of joy and visual pleasure and gets as much acceptance as possible.
b. The effectiveness achieved is represented by the article's expression of the pattern through the partial, total or expressive shift in the formulation of the recipient's sense of self and society in general and deepens the sense of influence of the place.

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