Building Peace And Prosperity Through Prime Minister Care Scheme For The Covid-19 Orphaned Children In India

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In recent times in over the world there is a peculiar unknown problem of managing human health encountering various challenges and risks in overcoming global – 19 disaster ruins all over the countries and the smooth functioning of day to day life. India witnessed a full successive lockdowns to combat the difficulties which halt all the activities. Covid-19 and its pandemic resulted an unforeseen disaster in the lives of bottom to top sections. India also witnessed unknown social distancing and other exposures. Many establishments, transport and all other eateries were completely closed to arrest the Covid pandemic. This is unforeseen situations which have not been met earlier in any parts of the world. One cannot predict the future happenings but at the same time there may be drastical changes in all fields. Many people were thrown out of their jobs and the migrant labourers are forced to return to their native places to save their life. Under the peculiar situation many people were no more because of the spread of contagious diseases. Each and everyone in our country have lost their dear ones and near ones. In these situations lot of children have lost their parents and prime care takers and became orphaned during pandemic period. It is very difficult to imagine in the case of uncared poor in their childhood and lost their memorable experiences living along with their parents before their death. The authors’ strides an attempt to focus the methods and means followed in the prosperity of Covid-19 orphaned children in an extensive manner in this paper.

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