An Economic On Rural Health Service Delivery By Alwarthirunagari Primary Health Centre In Thoothukudi District

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D.Janaki and Dr.S.Henry Pandian


The primary health centre expected to provide the following services to the rural community, treatment for minor ailments, immunization services, chlorination of well, treatment for leprosy, implementing family welfare programme, conducting health education programme, blood test and school health checkup. But the primary health centres services are very poor compared to other private health centres. So there is a gap between public and the primary health centres.

            The present study is undertaken with the objective of assessing the rural health care service delivery by Alwarthirunagari primary health centre in Thoothukudi District. The study tries to analyses the services rendered opinion of clients on the service their problem in getting service and also their suggestions for better delivery of quality service to the implementation of family welfare. This study reveals that as education increases people are likely to avoid public health facilities for reproductive health related services. This may be due to poor quality of services provided at the health centers. We should consider other qualitative factors also privacy maintained while doing medical examination, average waiting time at the health centers, time spent by a staff with a client, etc. All these problems must be addressed by adopting appropriate measures. Otherwise primary health care system in India will lose its credibility even among poor rural people who are not in a position to attend private health care facilities.

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