The Societal Security Of Women Between Feminism Ideology And Islamic Sharia

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Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Tarira


A woman's sense of social security whether within her family or society ensures her a healthy, safe, and prosperous life, as well as assisting her in fulfilling her responsibilities of raising, nurturing, and building sound generations. Islamic Sharia established strict guidelines for public upbringing, and laws were enacted to defend public rights in transactions, marriages, punishments, the judiciary, and testimony. In this era, however, a new notion has evolved that advocates for women's security and safety. It enacted different articles and regulations and put pressure on governments all over the world to accept it as the relevant constitution, regardless of their religious beliefs. In this paper, I present a comparison between Islamic Sharia and feminism in terms of achieving societal security for women. This is presented in three sections, an introduction, and a conclusion as follows:

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