A Critical Analysis Of Zoom Video Communication For Intrapreneurial Efficiency In Pandemic Era: A Real Warrior

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Yagbala Kapil , Dr (Prof.) Neelam Saxena , Dr. Puneet Mohan


Like any new year, 2020 began with a slew of resolutions, but the effect of COVID-19 shattered many of them. People’s attitudes have been transformed as a result of the pandemic. In numerous organisations, the business has changed their working styles and distinctive and original ideas for management, originated. It is extremely hard for individuals to transition from a traditional work mode to a digitally enabled platform. “Work from home” (WFH) is one method that has become popular globally, allowing IT in industries to thrive in this VUCA world. People are looking for ways to connect in this era of social isolation. Several internet platforms were employed. “WhatsApp, Skype, Google Duo,” and the list goes on, but one that has revolutionized the industry is “Zoom Video Communications (ZVC).” Start of early 2020, Zoom saw a huge usage surge in reaction to the illness, thanks to the efforts of “Eric Yuan, 2011”, a former “WebEx engineer.” However, Zoom’s journey, like that of other startups, was not without its highs and lows. The analysis describes how it emerged out as a winning soldier despite many difficulties. The facts and figures are collected through secondary data; “magazines, newspapers, journals, research articles and web resources.” The theoretical framework is built upon the “Technology Acceptance Model” (Davis, 1989)- one of the foremost powerful models states an “individual’s intention to use new technology: perceived simple use and usefulness.” The results and possible research plans are integrated into a research paper that serves as the foundation for future research initiatives. It will help them analyze the situation, the importance of ICT, understand the intrapreneurially behaviour of employees, and how to survive business disruptions.

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